Quote Fax Machine="Fax Machine"The thing that worries me, Brew, is the direction in which FCHT fans are going. They keep stressing that Reactiv are trying to buy the Shay on the cheap. What they don't seem to realise is that the Shay has 2 values:
1. As a stadium with a stipulation that it can only be used for sport.
2. As a piece of land with no restrictions.
The latter obviously carries a far higher value and, if the council are determined to unload it I would much rather they sold it to Reactiv under option 1 but the FCHT fans, in their hatred of all things Fax, will end up with option 2 and then both clubs will be stuffed.'"
Shay fans have seen it all before and have plenty of bad experiences with 'businessmen' so are right to be cautious with this episode. Little was known of Abbott until the company check, it isn't good reading. The fact that your accounts don't look too good and you owe rent of £52,000 doesn't help your cause.
Even if Abbott is the knight in shining armour you think he is what happens when he dies or gets fed up, will his heirs be charitable towards to sporting fraternity?
Clauses and covenants in any deal are worthless, Thrum Hall had those........................it is now a supermarket.
Did not Mr Steele, just two years ago, vote to get FC Halifax off the Stadium trust?
Sorry, Shay fans cannot trust him or your club.
The only real option is shared ownership like The John Smiths Stadium, Huddersfield.