Quote AdmiralHanson="AdmiralHanson"Interestingly, when Gilmour was all over Smith at Knowsley Road and Smith subsequently reacted, Saints won the penalty from Bent-ham for retaliation.
The penalty should always go against the player reacting in my opinion. By giving it for the initial offence the referree is conding the retaliation and allowing poor discipline to be rewarded.
Back to the original subject... Leeds failed to do the basics well. Complete your sets of six and in most cases you'll be in front on the scoreboard. Saints completed the most and won.
Burrows was targeted in defence and was over run on a couple of occasions.
Budures looked rusty, unsurprising, but did show promise.
The forwards were beaten by a stronger saints pack.
Gibson needs more game time to enable a complete assesment of him. He can't be written off after a couple of poor performances. The only way he will progress is to keep lpaying at a high standard. Not every youngster is going to be an instant world beater.
The best team won this time.