It is imperative that whoever takes charge of the marketing effort at the club, budget permitting, takes a fresh approach to the club's marketing and aesthetics. Let's learn from what HAS NOT WORKED in the past and fully embrace the future. There is virtually no 'match day experience' at Vallis Way and the demographic needs to be families and younger generations.
If I hear the song 'London calling', the weird song from the 80s they play after a try or 'Bonkers' by Dizzee Rascal after a goal, I will scream. And update the sound system because the music is key. The future of the club does not lie in playing only to the tastes of geriatrics, with full respect. We should take our marketing lead from the Toronto Wolfpack (again, within the budgetary constraints, though our promotion to Super League will lead to fresh injections of capital).
Match-day experience:
1. The sound system cuts out during announcements and has done so in every home game this season. This is amateur hour. The music is nowhere near loud enough to create an atmosphere. If you are constrained by planning laws on this, at least fix the sound system and employ someone who knows what they are doing to create a proper playlist at the start of the season that will engage a younger audience and families. Toronto's 'party vibe' would be ideal but difficult to replicate without significant investment.
2. Catering - The bar they have added is OK but it's not enough of a draw. We need to work the 'alternative' / 'hipster' angle, and the food and drink available should reflect it. If the club are curious as to what I mean here, walk down Maltby Street market or Drury street market on a Saturday to see what this hipster vibe looks like. Even the Skolars offer a variety of craft beers. Basic barbecue does not cut it and will not attract new fans with different tastes, which is key in London. The Long walk as you approach the ground is an ideal place to put rows of stalls and tents etc. would benefit local small businesses to and create a party vibe from the outset.
3. Mascots - Buck and Dusty need upgrades. The current versions look devoid of character and unfriendly compared to their 1997 counterparts with big floppy features and stupid big shoes. Take a look at the original Buck here: ... z.jpg?zz=1. SO MUCH BETTER. Chris Warren built a 'story' around these guys and brought them into the experience, calling Buck a silly horse etc, races at half time etc. etc. It was fun. Now Buck is just there but is never introduced or really brought into the experience. Kids come for the mascots and end up staying for the Rugby League, as I did 20 years ago.
4. Club shop - in desperate need of an upgrade despite all the hard work that goes into it. Transactions take far too long with the technology they have and need to be near instant when paying by card to maximize revenue. The cost of fixing this is small and should be addressed. The selection in the club shop needs to be expanded and ideally some pro designers would be brought in to make the apparel appealing to a younger audience (ala Toronto). Subtle upgrades to the club's logo (to make it simpler and monochrome - lose the metallic effect, that's so 90's) could help here (Again, think Toronto's bold T shape that you see EVERYONE wearing at their home games). Lastly, BSK's shirts bearing our logo (solid block grey on read or black) just does not work - it looks appalling.
5. Some kind of on-pitch activity (together with PA) at half time. Again, an attraction for casual fans.
6. Others...
1. Note how Toronto market the game as 'Rugby' rather than 'Rugby League' - I don't think we should be marketing the game as 'different' as most people are utterly ignorant of both codes. Accordingly, we should just call it 'rugby' - union doesn't own the word and we're not really looking to convert Union heads in London.
2. Focus on the individual - it annoys me somewhat that everyone in rugby league is waiting on Eddie Hearn to come in and save the sport. He's not a genius. One of his main ideas is to create superstars. He realises how important individuals are to marketing successfully. Marketing efforts at the clubs should be directed to marketing key individuals not just vague notions of the 'team' (Alex Walker is now the obvious example as someone who could have great stature in the game and its great to hear his Essex accent in post-match interviews).
3. Free tickets - let's follow the Toronto model of giving away free tickets and promotions to local schools, community clubs, rugby clubs etc.. What's the downside to this? Greater takings at the bar?
4. Robert Cialdini (Influence) - the club need to read this book.
5. Others...
The above is no criticism of the club as I appreciate that it has been up against it financially and has made enormous strides in other areas. But to be a true success in Super League the marketing effort and match day experience needs a total overhaul to compete as an attractive proposition in London, not just trying the same old tactics to cater for an ageing audience.