Quote Istilldontbelieveit="Istilldontbelieveit"People have obviously received a red hot poker up their ring for what Bridge did here and it's hilarious to read some of this loser material.
Fundementally, it looked a lot worse than it was, and it amazes me that some feel a lengthy ban is in order when there was no contact with the head. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone him dropping down on Jeffries like that, and having been at the game on the night, I thought a sin bin would have been the best approach to calm him down. It would have certainly offered Bradford a little justice. But it wasn't a red, no way. If he'd landed on his jaw I'd have gladly watched him walk. So a 1 game ban for intent perhaps.
One thing I will admit however, is that the Referees' current inability to deal with matters in real time is quite astounding.'"
How can an incident be worth a 1 match ban but not a red card? That doesnt make sense. If a player is banned for a game then his team get to play with a full quota of players in the game of the offence and the following game?